For screenings with infrared thermography we use our professional thermographic camera.

This unique screening method detects “hot spots” in your body. They indicate where there is elevated activity, temperature or asymmetry.

Why do we use this? The applications are endless!

During our physiotherapy we use it to make our diagnosis: where are the weak links in your body and are they indeed causing your complaints? Further in the treatment we also use this camera to check whether our approach is working and it allows us to follow up in a qualitative manner.

In the world of sports or for performance-oriented training we apply this unique screening mostly to prevent injuries, to determine whether and when a player is fit to return to play, and to make adjustments to your training schedule depending on your weak links and progress

How does it work?

First of all we take pictures with the thermographic camera in a standardized way.The pictures will show various colours. That way, we already have a first impression of all the activity in your body.

Then we use unique software to take a closer, objective look at the pictures. Each pixel in the picture represents a certain temperature. The software analyzes these values and maps the visible and invisible imbalances in your body. The results are then demonstrated in the form of an avatar. The colours of the avatar display the differences in temperature on your left and right side.

We look for areas with elevated (hyperthermia) or lowered temperature (hypothermia).

– Hyperthermia can be an indication of physical overload, metabolic activity, inflammations or acute processes.

– Hypothermia on the other hand can point to a compensation strategy for other complaints, inactivity in some muscles, chronic processes or scarring.

Have we mapped all the data? Then we compose a personal report for you. This report forms the base of our treatment proposal: what can we do to speed up your recovery or enhance your performance?

Are you a professional sportsman? Based on these images (and together with your medical staff) it can be decided whether or not you are fit to return to play. Regardless of which type of sport you play, IRT contributes to your injury-free sports career.

Make an appointment and discover this unique screening.